Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Nando's, Mullets and Tomatoes

It's been a while since I last wrote (at least by my standards) and there loads to talk about, but I'm sure I'll forget something. Oh well.
The last week has been manic. I had a great few days at school (or college or uni or whatever it is) where it was basically laughing and mucking about. Thursday a bunch of us went out for a drink after, which was fun, and then Sarah, Gemma, Huw and I went to Nando's. For those of you who have yet to be introduced to the beauty of Nando's, it is (at least the one on South Bank) is a restaurant in a gorgeous building, selling edible portions of perfectly (or usually perfectly) grilled chicken at the prices of a McDonald's meal. Needless to say, I love eating at this one in particular.
Anyways, Huw is a friend of Sarah's that I met on Thursday. He is a genuinely great guy with, as far as I have been able to tell, one oddity: mullets scare him. Hmm. Our waiter had a mullet so the evening passed with Huw making gaging noises after this poor man (Felix) left our table. Apparently there is a whole mullet world out there that I have previously lived unawares to. I am now looking forward to Huw sending me the websites about them as promised. My favourite moment of that day was Huw describing the ethos behind mullets: all business at the front, but it's all about the party at the back (said, of course, with utmost disgust). So needless to say, that was a great night.
Friday and Saturday were spent getting ready for our pantomime with the kids on Sunday. Now this was written by Ben and Simba and I was in charge of costumes. I thought that it was going to be the worst thing that I have ever seen, which would not have helpt the quest to win over the confidence of the parents. But after making the halos ten minutes before church started, and changing the actors five minutes before church started (our Mary didn't show) things went great. The service was very different from any carol service I'd ever been to, but I loved it.
Oh and the tomatoes previously writen about... they are finally dead at the age of 2 months (I think). They still look good but have now begun leaking a green liquid. About time is all I have to say.


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