Friday, December 02, 2005

The magic Tomatoes

Allow me to introduce you to the phenomenon of the kitchen in the First Floor Flat, Elephant and Castle, London, England.
Come back with me a few weeks (5 to be exact) Ben and I are on a mission to get some food for us to live off of for the week. We have discussed it and decide that we need some healthier food than what we have been eating to date. So, while gazing through the aisles, I decide to get some tomatoes and mozarrella to show Ben what we eat in Germany sometimes. We get them (and lots of other food products that I won't go into here now) and then went home.
Well, to make what could be a boring long story short, we came home with the good intent of making the tomatoes and mozarrella, but didn't. The mozarrella was eventually consumed by, um I can't remember, but the tomatoes remained.
They remain there to this day. After about two weeks, Ben and I noticed that our tomatoes were still looking very healthy for their ripe old age. We have made the decision to keep them in until they show signs of their age. Right now, it seems as though they will live forever.
Worrying, though, how many chemicals must have been sprayed on these Tesco Tomatoes. I think I will start buying my fruit and veg (the little that I do eat) at Borough Market.
I'll keep you updated on the magical tomatoes. Life count: 5 weeks and counting


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