Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Christmas Carolling 1 and 2

I was going to write yesterday and keep it kind of as a four day thing, but I was so tired (and you will soon understand why) that I couldn't be bothered so I will summarize day 1 and 2 together.
So, yesterday was the first day of carolling and collecting on Oxford Street. For those of you who have never heard of Oxford Street, it is apparently the busiest street in England. So it's busy. About 7 of us are there for 8 hours a day collecting to keep our lovely church alive.
Yesterday started well, clear blue skies, warm and good spirits all around. I won't say much about the day except that it was hard. I was freezing by the time we had break despite my 4 layers of clothes and my back and knees were killing me. I have often noticed how out of shape I am but standing 8 hours brought that realisation back in the form of aching back, knees and a massive headache. The best thing was telling Vicky that I had seen McFly and her believing me and almost crying.
Today wasn't much better. Vicky woke up in a mood which was not a huge motivation and Ben wasn't here to compensate. So off we went to Oxford Street, Vicky moaning and my making bumbling attempts to cheer her up. Things were ok from then on, colder than the day before. Highlights were the great things some people had to say about us as an Army, we don't hear that a lot. Vicky and Ben saw Sienna Miller. Funny thing: Ben (with Jonny's encouragement) told Vicky that he had seen Jordan. I played along and Vicky spent a good part of the day looking out for her. Jonny talked to some famous news man, and I had my picture taken with some guy. So, I'm in bed now, listening to Damien, trying to decide whether to sleep (its 8:40) or to watch Ben play Diablo 2 (wohoo!!!!! the game finally arrived!!!!!)
Love to all and I hope to get some pictures up here soon.


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