Sunday, January 07, 2007

a new post, a sleeping problem and a list

Last night I couldn't sleep. Usually when I can't sleep, I make up conversations, scenarios, or yes, even write sermons in my head, and then usually I do fall asleep. Last night, whilst stuggling to keep my eyes open, I wrote out a blog (in my head of course), about the fact that I couldn't sleep and all the frustrations that that brings with it. It was entertaining, witty and well written. That evening I had had a conversation about blogging and it was the first thing that came to mind when I asked myself the nightly question "What are you going to put yourself to sleep with tonight, Sarah?" This seemed like as good a solution as any.
It wasn't. I ended up laying awake until 5, not because the thoughts I had in my head were so overwhelmingly and fascinatingly interesting, but because I was cold, and then too hot, and then too cold again but was too busy thinking to notice that this was what was keeping me awake.
That having been said, if I hadn't stayed up later than reason should allow, I would not be lying here, on my couch, writing and dozing like an old granny. Instead, here is a list of what I would/could and maybe should be doing instead:
1. Going to Laos (youth church thing)
2. Cleaning my room (the builders are coming tomorrow to fix something)
3. Getting myself a drink (my tongue is so dry i could sand a table with it)
4. Take a bath (this I may still do)
5. Attempt to detangle my windchime-shell thing
6. Unpack. This I really need to do, along with some laundry

Those are six very good, interesting or productive things that I could be doing. Instead, I am lying on my chesterfield and the sleep that refused to come last night is fighting with my almost comatose body to make me give in. I must be the perfect sleep temperature. If only this had been last night...


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